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Verifiable Named One of Forbes Next Billion-Dollar Startups



Verifiable is proud to announce that we have been included in Forbes Next Billion-Dollar Startups list for 2023!

As Forbes states in their Next Billion Dollar Startups introduction “There are more than 50,000 venture-backed startups in the U.S., and only the tiniest fraction of them will ever reach a billion-dollar valuation.” But what are the ingredients that make this lofty goal likely to be achieved?

For most startups that reach these heights, it comes down to solving real problems in the real world. Yes, flashy and gimmicky sometimes makes it big, but what the majority of startups that make a list like this have in common is their ability to define and address problems specific to an industry or buyer persona.

This rings true for Verifiable. We aim to bring efficiency and reliability to healthcare credentialing and provider network management. While our focus is limited to the needs of healthcare focused organizations, we know this is an area ripe for innovation and increased efficiency.

Being named to a list like this is a vote of confidence in the work that we are doing to address our customers’ needs.

Want to learn more about how Verifiable is solving these challenges of the healthcare industry? Jump over to our recent blog post on our Series B raise.

Bring efficiency and reliability to your own healthcare credentialing and provider network management. Request a demo

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